Monday, February 27, 2012

Pin it.

 Ya'll know how passionate I am about food.

I mean, if you've read any of these posts you'd have an idea. It was a leap of faith to venture into the realm of entrepreneurship, but if I've learned anything in this short life of mine it is that anything worth doing is that which makes our heart sing with joy and pound with anxiety at the same time.

The reason I keep this blog running is to share my food passion with everyone. It's a great place for my new clients and colleagues to get a decent idea of where my heart lies when it comes to my career and what I bring to the table. My professional career started in journalism and I've made every effort to give myself a writing outlet no matter what job I've held. I'd like to think that people follow some blogs not just for the content they cover, but for a great read ... in some cases.

And then I was invited to join Pinterest.

Now, I dig Pinning. It's very visual and it's a nice way for great blogs across the internet to reach new audiences. But it's strictly visual. Photographs are fun to share, but what about the content behind them? I wish you could pin content, but that essentially pulls away from what makes Pinterest work. Pretty pretty pictures are what internet sharing is all about.

So ... here come some pretty pretty pictures ... as best I can provide them.

My Clean Plate Cook Book Club is what I look forward to every Monday. It's quite the way to end the first day of the week ... fantastic food and wine. I mean, what's not to like?

In fact, CPCBC is inspiring me to offer cooking parties as a part of my Forever Feasting repertoire. We make it happen for ourselves on a regular basis, but it's also a concept worth sharing.

If you're reading this, I'm sure you know a group of women in your life who love to cook and enjoy eating together. Wouldn't you love to get together to make a meal together with all the actual shopping and cleaning done for you?

Yeah, me too.

So, I just wanted to share some photos from our last CPCBC get together. We have another one planned tonight and I will post pictures from it as well. Sharing a meal is so satisfying. I'm so lucky that I get to do it for a living!

Fortunes from the cookies we dipped in chocolate fondue, thank you Shakira!

Kira and Allie in prep mode. These girls sure can cook. Allie made us all Vietnamese meatball subs. They were to DIE for. She always nails it.

I'm adding this photo because the concoction was amazing- though not a CPCBC creation. My roommate Matt spent time abroad in Australia and brought back the Aussie Burger ingrained in his memory log of all things delicious. Just layer beets (we used sliced canned beets) with a burger pattie of your choice (Matt makes his with turkey), then a fried egg, cheese, avocado, pineapple, bacon, tomato, and condiments of your choice. Sounds like a mouthful? It is. And it is delicious!

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